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GA Pet Food Partners Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement

28th March

GA Pet Food Partners is Europe’s leading premium dry pet food manufacturer, providing a total solution from new product development to manufacturing, packaging, storage, and dispatch.

Partnership is what we are about. Unlike other pet food manufacturers, we don’t believe in having our own brand; this is because we are in the business to help our Partners become more successful. As a result, we now export to over 50 countries worldwide and work with some of the world’s biggest and smallest pet food brands.

Modern slavery is a crime and a gross violation of human rights. It takes various forms, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. GA Pet Food Partners is committed to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. As a family-run business, we want our Partners to be confident that we treat our employees fairly and with respect for their human rights.

GA Pet Food Partners seek to ensure transparency in the business consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

GA Pet Food Partners promote a culture of open communication, participation and encouragement. We have a dedicated and experienced HR Department that operates an open-door policy to help and support all employees.

GA Pet Food Partners ensure all staff are assessed for their right to work, and our wages and benefits comply with relevant government legislation.

GA Pet Food Partners is committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity. Whistleblowing is addressed in our employee handbook and is designed to support and protect any employee who wishes to raise a serious concern. Any disclosures made in good faith in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking will be dealt with promptly under the Whistleblowing Policy.

GA Pet Food Partners recognizes that it operates within a global supply chain. We expect all our suppliers to adopt the same shared values of trust, integrity, and mutual respect, regardless of where they are based. Our vendor approval process encompasses an ethical risk assessment, which assists us to identify suppliers where the potential for exploitation of labour may be higher.

Should GA Pet Food Partners become aware of any contravention of our ethical values within our supply chain that cannot be reasonably resolved, we will terminate our relationship with that supplier.

This statement, which has been approved by the Board of GA Pet Food Partners Group Limited, is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Company’s slavery and Human Trafficking statement . The scope of the statement covers GA Pet Food Partners Group Limited and all its subsidiary companies, including GA Pet Food Partners Limited and GA Pet Food Partners Milling Limited.

Roger Bracewell

Chairman. GA Pet Food Partners.

2023-2024 Gender Pay Gap Report

Gender Pay Gap In Office
Gender Pay Gap In The Office
Gender Pay Gap In Production
Gender Pay Gap In Maintenance and Engineering

We are passionate about fairness, equality and inclusion and we are striving to reduce our gender pay gap.

We are an employer choosing to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. This involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men and women in our organisation; it will not involve publishing individual employee’s data. We are required to publish the results on our own website and a government website. We have done this within one calendar year of April 5th 2023-2024. The table below shows our overall mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay as of the snapshot date (April 5th 2023):

Difference between men and women – 2023

Gender Pay Gap


Gender Pay Gap Bonus


% paid a bonus


We can use these results to assess:

  • The levels of gender equality in our workplace
  • The balance of male and female employees at different levels
  • How efficiently talent is being maximised and rewarded

The challenge in our organisation and across Great Britain is to eliminate any gender pay gap. Gender Pay Reporting requires GA to make calculations based on employee gender, and we have established this by using our HR and payroll records.

Gender Distribution – 2023

Upper Quartile %


Upper Middle Quartile %


Lower Middle Quartile %


Lower Quartile %


The above image illustrates the gender distribution at GA across four quartiles. Our aim is to achieve a 50:50 gender balance (within a 10% tolerance) throughout the business. We are confident that as we progress towards a 50:50 balance, our gender pay gap will reduce.

Roger Bracewell

Chairman. GA Pet Food Partners.